See english below Le groupe «Dynamique réactionnelle des enzymes rédox multicentre, cinétique électrochimique» est à la recherche d’un ingénieur en biochimie. Les CO déshydrogénases sont des métalloenzymes très sensibles à l’oxygène qui catalysent la réduction de CO2 en CO au niveau d’un site actif NiFe4S4. Dans le cadre du projet européen ECOMO, le groupe produit une gamme de CO déshydrogénases de différents organismes, incluant des variants produits par mutagénèse dirigée afin d’obtenir des CODHs avec des propriétés optimisées pour être incorporées …

[Expired] Marseille: Ingénieur biochimie/biologie moléculaire | Biochemistry/molecular biology engineer Read more »

Message: PhD position in the group “Bioelectrochemistry, Biointerfaces & Biotechnology” (BIP, Marseille, in collaboration with the Fresnel Institute (Marseille, Students interested in projects at the interface (bio)chemistry/(bio)physics are welcome!

A PhD position is available at the BIP laboratory in the “Biophysics of metalloproteins and dynamic systems” team in Marseille. The project deals with the study of periplasmic copper proteins involved in a yet to be determined bacterial copper resistance mechanism. The PhD work is expected to start in the fall of 2024.

The Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, invites applications for the position of a Doctoral Candidate (m/f/d). Join a dynamic research environment at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM). We invite applications for a Doctoral Candidate (m/f/d) position, focusing on stable silicon isotopes in diatoms for climate reconstruction. The project contributes to a broader investigation of climate variability in the Pacific Southern Ocean over the …

[Expired] Opportunity at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), University of Oldenburg Read more »

The topic will be the structure-function relationship in enzymes, in the specific case of [FeFe]-hydrogenase. Protein will be purified and crystallised which will then be photochemically activated and subsequently characterised spectroscopically and via (time-resolved) X-ray crystallography. Further details on the PhD programme can be found under this link.

The objectives of the project are to develop new lanthano-peptides catalysts with a well-folded peptide scaffold, high affinity for Ln(III) and positive interactions for substrate binding. The project will include peptide design and synthesis, characterisations using advanved analytical techniques (paramagnetic NMR, time-resolved luminescence) and molecular modelling, as well as evaluation of Ln-peptide catalysts on model reactions. Web:

The project’s aim is to elaborate a luminescent Cu(II)-sensor, that is able to measure specifically labile/exchangeable Cu(II)-concentrations in biological systems, from simpler cell culture medium to the challenging blood plasma. Such a Cu(II)-sensor would be very useful as a tool to understand the Cu metabolism and might have applications for diagnosis of diseases with increased exchangeable Cu pool concentrations such as Wilson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. The project incolves a consortium with several collaborators from different disciplines, including group from the …

[Expired] Postdoc Position (2 years) in Bio/Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry in Strasbourg on “Luminescent Sensor to Detect the Labile Cu(II)-Pool, a Diagnostic Parameter for Wilson’s and Alzheimer’s diseasethe project” Read more »

This Ph.D. is financed by an ANR project (Bioinspired Oxidation of Methane). It will be pursued at the Institute of Molecular Sciences of Marseille, and will focus on the development of new caged catalysts based on Fe- or Cu- complexes. These structures will strongly enhance the catalytic efficiency of this challenging reaction, while keeping an excellent selectivity.

The aim of this project, emerged within the L2CM laboratory, is to develop a novel approach utilizing optical imaging to track the biotransformations of metal-based drug candidates in view of rationalizing their further pharmacomodulation. This will allow to establish a relationship between metal’s coordination sphere, metal-ligand interaction, and the complexes’ biotransformations to rationalize drug design. Web:

Join LEM to develop catalytic systems for electrocatalytic oxidation of various organic substrates, using O2 and earth abundant metal complexes. You will thoroughly study the catalytic activities of selected Fe an Mn complexes and quantify and optimize their performances (efficiency and selectivity) using complementary synthetic, spectroscopic and electrochemical tools.

 Join us in determining the mechanisms of catalysis by metalloenzymes through the development and implementation of electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy: The ENDOR and DFT characterization of key trapped catalytic and photogenerated intermediates  reveals mechanism, with synthetic biomimetic complexes providing key constraints!

There is an opening for a PhD position in the BiosCiences team on the desing of supported catalysts for hydrogen production. For further details, please see attachment and contact me at

There is an opening for a PhD position in the BiosCiences team on the computational investigation of molecular catalysts for hydrogen production. For further details, please see attachment and contact me at

Offre d’emploi : CDD de 12 mois au BIAM (Biology and Biotechnology Institute Aix-Marseille) au CEA de Cadarache, Equipe Interactions Protéine – Métal ( Profil souhaité : BTS en biochimie – biotechnologie Date prévisible de recrutement : octobre 2021 (sous réserve de l’accomplissement des formalités administratives)

Research in the Laboratory of Chemistry and Biology of Metals (CBM, Grenoble, France. focuses on the study of the structure, activity and regulation of complex biological systems that transport and use metal ions, and on the development of bio-inspired systems for applications in health, the environment and energy. The size of the Laboratory and the coherence of its research make it unique at both the national and international levels.

The pluri-disciplinary project, developed by a collaboration between two teams of the Lab BEE and BioCE, deals with in cristallo biocatalysis for a sustainable chemistry is still open. Our strategy for catalysis consists in the use of crystals of metalloenzymes to perform cascade reactions, that will impact the organic synthesis and the mode of drug synthesis.

Le colloque annuel du GDR Solar fuels se déroulera du 27 au 29/09 2021 2021 à Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer sur la côte bretonne. Le trajet sera assuré par un bus depuis la gare de Rennes. Les inscriptions seront de 200€ pour les membres permanents et de 120€ pour les étudiants, doctorants et postdoctorants (logements et restauration inclus). Vous pourrez trouver les informations sur le site :

The project involves structure determination of novel metalloenzymes by X-ray crystallography, with a focus on enzymes catalyzing peptides (RiPPs) post-translational modifications. Our goal is to decipher the mechanism and mode of interactions between these enzymes and their substrate.

Lieu : Laboratoire SPCMIB (Laboratoire de Synthèse et Physico-Chimie de Molécules d’Intérêt Biologique), CNRS UMR 5068, Univ. Toulouse III Paul Sabatier Objet : Le groupe SOMAB (Sondes Organo-Metalliques pour des Applications Biomédicales) du SPCMIB recherche un(e) jeune chercheur(se) ayant un profil polyvalent de synthèse et de spectroscopie/photophysique, en vue d’une candidature pour un poste de CR CNRS.

A post-doctoral position in structural biology is available at the ChemSyBio team (Paris-Saclay University, INRAE, Micalis) headed by Dr Olivier Berteau. The project involves structure determination of novel metalloenzymes catalyzing post-translational modifications in peptides (ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides, RiPPs) in order to decipher their mechanisms and enzyme substrate interactions.

Vous rêvez de construire un projet innovant et impactant pour votre territoire, mais ne savez pas comment? Vous avez déjà une idée de projet et vous vous demandez par où commencer? Vous avez envie d’aider des entrepreneurs dans leurs premiers pas? Vous avez envie de vous mettre dans la peau d’un entrepreneur à impact pour 4 semaines? Le Créathon du Biom’impact Tour est fait pour vous ! Le Biom’impact Tour kesako ? C’est le premier Tour de France du biomimétisme …

[Expired] Biom’impact tour Read more »

The Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences ( at ETH Zurich and its Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry (LAC) ( invite applications for the above-​mentioned position. The research activities at the LAC encompass synthesis of inorganic compounds on the molecular and nanometre scale, extended solids, and characterisation of complex reaction systems with high resolution methods at the atomic and molecular levels.

Biomimetic inorganic chemistry aims at reproducing structural and spectroscopic properties and ultimately the reactivity of metallic enzymes. In this context, our group has acquired a strong expertise in using simple and well-studied ligands covalently attached to a molecular cavity. We want now to follow another approach in which a coordination complex is fully embedded in a supramolecular capsule.

Dear members of the international copper community, After serious consideration, the organizing committee has decided to postpone the 12th International Copper Meeting scheduled for September 20-25, 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Given the uncertainty and constantly changing situation, we cannot go forward at this time. The meeting will be rescheduled for September 19-24, 2021 at the same venue in Sorrento, Italy.

Dear colleagues and friends, We hope that this message will still find you in good health. The evolution of the health situation in the world and the air travel restrictions lead us to take the difficult but inevitable decision to cancel the EBEC2020 in Aix-en-Provence. Nevertheless, Axel and I are determined to do our utmost to re-organise the EBEC in France. This leads us to work with Erich Gnaiger (actual organizer of EBEC2022 in Innsbruck) to find a solution to …

[Expired] [cancelled] 21st European Bioenergetics Conference 2020 — EBEC2020 Read more »

15-18 Mars 2021, Carry le Rouet, France. We are happy to announce the second edition of PEPPERSchool, an international thematic school that brings together chemists and biologists interested in engineering peptides and proteins endowed with unprecedented functionalities. These tailor-made systems can fulfil tasks that are not observed in nature but indeed needed to solve current societal challenges in health, energy and environment. Web:

Le CNRS, à travers la Mission pour les initiatives transverses et interdisciplinaires,  lance en 2020 pour la seconde fois un AAP dans le cadre du défi ISOTOP. L’objectif de ce dernier est de soutenir des recherches interdisciplinaires faisant appel aux isotopes stables ou radioactifs spécifiquement dédiées à l’étude de processus biotiques comme abiotiques. La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 8 novembre 2019 à midi.

Le CNRS, à travers la Mission pour les initiatives transverses et interdisciplinaires, lance pour la seconde fois en 2020 un AAP dans le cadre du défi ORIGINES de l’inerte au vivant. L’objectif de ce dernier est de soutenir des recherches interdisciplinaires ayant pour objet d’étude l’émergence de la vie autour de trois axes : (1) les événements prébiotiques, (2) les milieux favorisant l’apparition de la vie et (3) la compréhension de l’apparition de la vie par des approches de biologie …

[Expired] AAP2020 du défi ORIGINES Read more »

Internships for two master students on two different projects in the team of Christelle Hureau,  “Alzheimer et amyloïdes”, Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination du CNRS. Dates are from January to June 2020 (5 to 6 months) paid about 570 Euros/month. A PhD position will be available in the team in 2020.

Starting no later than September 2, 2019. Within the framework of the European project Interreg Atlantic Area HYLANTIC, we are looking for a postdoctoral research associate responsible for the synthesis and characterization of organometallic catalysts for the photo-electrochemical production of hydrogen (H2).

Laboratory of chemistry and Biology of Metals (LCBM, Grenoble) Team : BioCE, Head : Dr S. Ménage Internaship supervisor : S. Ménage (DR CNRS) or C. Marchi-Delapierre (MCF HDR) ()

Laboratory: Bioenergetics and Protein Engineering (BIP), Aix-Marseille University & CNRS (France). Team: Biophysics of metalloproteins (Prof. B. Guigliarelli) Supervisor: Dr. Pierre Dorlet, HDR ()

Un poste de PU pour le Laboratoire des BioMolécules (LBM, laboratoire de Paris Centre, Sorbonne Université (SU)-ENS-CNRS) va être ouvert pour la campagne 2019 avec pour intitulé “Biologie chimique pour sonder le vivant”. Le recrutement concerne le pôle “Biomolécules: analyse et  interactions moléculaires et cellulaires” sur le site de Jussieu (SU).

ProtoMET. Protometabolic pathways: exploring the chemical roots of systems biology. Includes 9 months at University College London (UK), University of Strasbourg (France) and Metallopharm (USA). More information from

The eSCALED consortium, in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme, is delighted to offer 14 Early Stage Researcher positions. The successful candidates will enrol in double PhD programs involving 2 partner universities, starting latest in October 2018, for ground-breaking research on Artificial Photosynthesis Devices.

L’Institut de Chimie propose cette année une action prioritaire en faveur de l’émergence. L’objectif est de mieux accompagner les chargés de recherche ou maitre de conférences recrutés depuis 5 à 10 ans en finançant des projets novateurs par rapport à l’état de l’art ou par rapport aux sujets en cours du chercheur. La prise de risque est encouragée.

The objective of the PhD Thesis is to develop and explore new molecular homogenous and heterogenous catalysts for the reduction of carbon dioxide and low-weight organic derivatives. The synthesized compounds will be characterized by various spectroscopic techniques. Special emphasis will be placed on the spectroelectrochemical characterization (IR, UV-Vis-NIR) of intermediates for full understanding of the mechanisms. Immobilization of the most promising molecular catalysts onto conductive support (electrode) will be also developed to perform heterogeneous catalysis.