If you want to add en event in this list of Bioinorganic Chemistry Conferences, contact us.


centre CNRS Paul Langevin Aussois, France

Plus d'infos  


Unnamed Venue Marseille, France


Unnamed Venue Nice, France

ISABC 2017

Unnamed Venue Toulouse


Centre Paul Langevin Aussois, France

GECat 2018

Trégunc Trégunc, France

[Open webinar] [UPDATED] Magali Roger: “Rewiring Escherichia coli for bio-based production of C1 compound from H2 and CO2”

October 15th at 11.30am French time (Central European Summer Time, UTC+02) Webinar proposed by the Laboratory of Bioenergetics and Engineering or Proteins, in Marseille Connect to . Please check this page for updates, the link might change at the last …

[Open webinar] [UPDATED] Magali Roger: “Rewiring Escherichia coli for bio-based production of C1 compound from H2 and CO2” Read More »

[Open webinar] Hugo Harari-Kermadec: “How a law on research funding is polarizing the French higher education?”

Speaker: Hugo Harari-Kermadec, IDHES, ENS Paris-Saclay. Zoom Webinar proposed by the Institut de Microbiologie de Marseille Oct 16, 2020 11:30 AM Paris The French higher education system is seen has divided between elitist Grandes ecoles and an open access public …

[Open webinar] Hugo Harari-Kermadec: “How a law on research funding is polarizing the French higher education?” Read More »

[Open webinar] Ulrich Schatzschneider: Genetics, Structural Biology, and Bioinorganic Chemistry of Coronaviruses

PSL Bioinorganic Chemistry open webinar by Prof. Ulrich Schatzschneider, from the University of Würzburg (Germany) Friday Nov 27th, 4.30pm, French time (Central European Summer Time, UTC+02) To access this talk, you can log in via Zoom with the following Meeting …

[Open webinar] Ulrich Schatzschneider: Genetics, Structural Biology, and Bioinorganic Chemistry of Coronaviruses Read More »

[Open webinar] Hydrogenase Xmas symposium


15th of December from 9:30 to 17:30 (Central European Time) via Zoom, organised by Livia (Uppsala University), Patricia (University of Oxford), James (MPI-CEC), and Sven (FUB) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84658183035  Meeting ID: 846 5818 3035 https://twitter.com/stripp_lab/status/1338867809070186498

[Open webinar] Journée Bram 2021. La Nature : classification, collection, conservation


La Nature : classification, collection, conservation 20e journée de Conférences en Histoire des Sciences et Epistémologie. Fidèles à la tradition multidisciplinaire de cette journée ouverte à toutes et tous au sein de l’ENS et des écoles doctorales littéraires et scientifiques, …

[Open webinar] Journée Bram 2021. La Nature : classification, collection, conservation Read More »

Online open seminar series on “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis”:


At 5 pm (CET; Paris), 11 am (EST; Boston), 8 am (PST; Los Angeles). The online seminar will be staged on Cisco Webex with the following access data. Join from the meeting link: https://uni-marburg.webex.com/uni-marburg/j.php?MTID=mbcd19d64948c3479c55125901ef38c5c Join by meeting number: Meeting number (access …

Online open seminar series on “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis”: Read More »

Online open seminar series on “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis”: Huangen Ding and Rolan Lill

At 5 pm (CET; Paris), 11 am (EST; Boston), 8 am (PST; Los Angeles). The online seminar will be staged on Cisco Webex with the following access data. Join from the meeting link: https://uni-marburg.webex.com/uni-marburg/j.php?MTID=mbcd19d64948c3479c55125901ef38c5c Join by meeting number: Meeting number (access …

Online open seminar series on “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis”: Huangen Ding and Rolan Lill Read More »

[Open webinar] Hugo Lebrette : Ferritin-like dinuclear metalloenzymes studied by XFEL and MicroED


Date:  le 3 mai 2021, à 11h Titre: Ferritin-like dinuclear metalloenzymes studied by XFEL and MicroED Conférencier: Hugo Lebrette (invité par Christine Cavazza, LCBM-équipe BEE) Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden Connexion: Participer à la réunion Zoom …

[Open webinar] Hugo Lebrette : Ferritin-like dinuclear metalloenzymes studied by XFEL and MicroED Read More »

Webinar “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis”


Dear colleagues and friends of the iron-sulfur protein biogenesis field, This is the last session of the Online seminar series on “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis 2021” before the summer break. The full  program is attached. See also our website https://www.uni-marburg.de/en/fb20/departments/cyto/copy_of_bilder/bilder-lill/fes-test Tomorrow,  …

Webinar “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis” Read More »



Online seminar on “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis”


Main page Chair: Frederic Barras Caryn Outten, USC Life Without Glutathione: Bypassing the Essential Function of GSH in yeast FeS Cluster Biogenesis Caroline Philpott, NIH Iron chaperones and the delivery of iron for assembly

Exposé de Eva JAKAB TOTH – Prix SCF Achille Le Bel 2020 « Complexes métalliques pour applications en IRM »


Mardi 5/10, 16h. https://new.societechimiquedefrance.fr/remise-des-prix-de-la-scf/ Date Horaire Lien Mardi 05/10/2021 9h00-13h30 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83187761526?pwd=Uk53WWtsSktJSVVaenNmUVRnNjN6Zz09 Mardi 05/10/2021 14h15-18h30 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86186447300?pwd=SFZpRmYvc2cyVzBlclBKMkJXS1VTdz09 Mercredi 06/10/2021 9h00-12h30 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85731516736?pwd=R3NJaHNoOFIyRWNZYWo5UkJVUHU3UT09  

Online seminar on “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis”


Main page Chair: Patricia Kiley Benoit D'Autréaux The roles of frataxins in FeS cluster assembly on the evolutionary Gif-sur-Yvette point of view Sandrine Ollagnier, Grenoble E. coli SUF machinery: the mysterious nature of SufBC2D FeS center  

Online seminar on “Iron-sulfur protein biogenesis”


Main page Chair: Helene Puccio Nunziata Maio, NIH Newly identified iron-sulfur cofactors in the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of SARS-CoV-2 are potential anti-viral targets Dennis R. Dean, V Tech Specificity of assembly and trafficking of the complex nitrogenase iron- sulfur cofactors

Séminaire ENS Chimie – Vincent L. Pecoraro


Thursday February 10th at 11 am (Paris time) Adventures in Metalloprotein Design: Enhancing Cu Based Enzymatic Catalysis Pr. Vincent L. Pecoraro University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA E-mail:  Vincent L. Pecoraro is the John T. Groves Collegiate Professor of Chemistry at the University of …

Séminaire ENS Chimie – Vincent L. Pecoraro Read More »

La chimie bioinorganique à Paris

Collège de France Paris

Colloque organisé par Marc Fontecave, Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé - Marcelin Berthelot, Collège de France, Paris

47th FEBS Congress

Tours Tours, France

Join research leaders and the upcoming generation of scientists in Tours at our 2023 Congress ! Get inspired and updated across different research fields in the molecular life sciences, present your own work and make international connections. Registration and abstract …

47th FEBS Congress Read More »

Biometals webinars series : Biosynthesis and Functions of the Nickel-Pincer Nucleotide (NPN) Cofactor


Together with the Cassyni platform, Springer and the International Biometals Society monthly Biometals webinars will start in 2024 (https://cassyni.com/s/biometals) We hope that this series of events will help all members of our research community to stay in contact, spread our …

Biometals webinars series : Biosynthesis and Functions of the Nickel-Pincer Nucleotide (NPN) Cofactor Read More »

EcatalytiX symposium

Strasbourg , France

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, We are pleased to inform you that registration is now open for the first EcatalytiX symposium, which will take place from 3 to 5 April 2024 in Strasbourg, France. The symposium will be jointly organized by …

EcatalytiX symposium Read More »

4eme journée du GDR ChemBio

Bordeaux Bordeaux, France

Rejoignez-nous pour explorer les arcanes passionnantes de la chémobiologie ! Ne manquez pas les journées scientifiques du GDR ChemBio 2024 qui auront lieu les 6 et 7 juin 2024 à l’Agora, domaine du Haut-Carré de l’Université de Bordeaux. Si vous …

4eme journée du GDR ChemBio Read More »

ISMEC 2024 in Nice

Nice Nice, France

Join us at ISMEC 2024 in Nice (France)! An international symposium focusing on the most recent advances in thermodynamics and kinetics of coordination processes, with biological, environmental and medical applications. ISMEC traditionally gathers many scientists sharing strong interest in the …

ISMEC 2024 in Nice Read More »

Second Metal-Binding Peptides (MBP) Conference

Toulouse Toulouse, France

The main theme of this international conference is peptides and derived molecules and their interactions with metal ions. Several areas of research will be addressed: health, environment, catalysis, supramolecular chemistry

If you want to add en event in this list of Bioinorganic Chemistry Conferences, contact us.
