[Expired] LaBIC 7 — 7 th Latin American Meeting on Biological Inorganic Chemistry
22 – 25 September 2020, Montevideo, Uruguay, https://azocargrouplab.org/2019/06/15/vii-latin-american-meeting-on-biological-inorganic-chemistry-vii-labic/
It is with great pleasure that I announce the VII Latin American Meeting on
Biological Inorganic Chemistry, VII LABIC, to be held from 22 nd to 25 th September 2020 in Montevideo, Uruguay.LABIC meetings have been held biannually since 2008. Brazil has played an important role in consolidating this meeting and the first three conferences were celebrated in this country. The IV LABIC was held in Argentina in 2014, the V LABIC in Mexico in 2016 and the VI LABIC in Brazil in 2018.
The VII LABIC meeting in Montevideo will provide a forum for discussion of the latest developments in Biological Inorganic Chemistry and it will promote interactions among Latin American scientists in this field. An exciting program including a group of confirmed speakers from all over the world is being built to attract participants from Latin America but also from other regions. You will also have the opportunity to appreciate our country and the Uruguayan hospitality.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I invite you to join us at VII LABIC in 2020.
I will be looking forward to welcoming you in Uruguay.
Dr. Dinorah Gambino
Chair of VII LABIC
Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Facultad de Química, Universidad de la República
Montevideo, Uruguay