International Biometals Webinars series every first Tuesday of the month at 3:00pm (CET (PARIS))

Waiting for the next 13th international Biometals symposium, we decided, after discussion of several colleagues involved in the IBS society, to set up monthly webinars consisting of two keynote presentations. One of these will correspond possibly to an article or review recently published in the Biometals journal. After each talk there will be an open discussion.The International Biometals Society (IBS) was formed at the 7th International Biometals Symposium held in Tucson, Arizona (USA) in July 2010. The aims of the Society are to promote research in the field of metal interactions in biology and to encourage the interdisciplinary exchange of information on this subject at a biennial symposium. The Journal of the Society is BioMetals published by Springer, London and includes announcements about the Society.

Thanks to the Cassyni platform and Springer, the webinars will be recorded (if accepted by the authors) and a DOI will be assigned to the recording presentation.
The recorded webinars will be, after live presentation, available on the platform for consulting for free to all subscribers registered on the platform.

Welcome to this exciting new adventure in sharing knowledge and emulation around our beloved field of Inorganic Biology!
