[Expired] Mid-career Leader in Chemical Biology @ Institut Pasteur
Dear colleagues
I hope you are well under these astonishing circumstances
It’s a pleasure to announce that the Institut Pasteur has a mid-career group leader position in the field of Chemical Biology. https://research.pasteur.fr/en/call/mid-career-group-leader-position-at-institut-pasteur-chemical-biology/
It is the equivalent to an assistant professor or senior lecturer.
It is a great opportunity for chemists to establish their lab in the incredible research environment of the Institut Pasteur. The top-level research in Biology of human diseases and in Global Health together with the international network of Institut Pasteur create a very favourable opportunity to develop new projects linking Chemistry&Biology to help prevent and treat diseases.
The group leader will join our department and reinforce the Chemistry of the Department constituted by four groups working all at the interface of Chemistry and Biology (https://research.pasteur.fr/en/department/structural-biology-chemistry/). In addition, the size of the Campus fosters the interactions between chemists and biologists; and all researchers benefit of the cutting-edge platforms (https://research.pasteur.fr/en/platforms/)
It would be of great help if you could advertise the position as large as possible and, more specifically, to young researchers who are highly competitive in the field.
Thanks a lot for your help
Kind regards
Paola B. Arimondo
Head of Epigenetic Chemical Biology Unit
Director of the Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry
bât Lwoff
28 rue du Docteur Roux
75724 Paris cedex 15
FranceTel.1: +33 1 86 46 78 69
mob. : +33 6 67 43 55 54
paola.arimondo@cnrs.fr, paola.arimondo@pasteur.fr