Newsletter Archive
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- 9th edition of the IMBG international conference (message from Bertrand Reuillard) (17 March 2025)
- J-2 avant la fin des inscriptions FrenchBIC à Amboise du 19 au 22 Mai 2025 (10 March 2025)
- Ouverture des inscriptions : FrenchBIC à Amboise du 19 au 22 Mai 2025 - message de Célia Bonnet (18 February 2025)
- FrenchBIC PhD award : deadline 31st of January 2025 (27 January 2025)
- 9th edition of the IMBG international conference (message from Bertrand Reuillard) (22 January 2025)
- Reminder January FrenchBIC webinar, Tuesday January 21st, 10.30am (20 January 2025)
- NEWS: Next FrenchBIC meeting - Bio-Inorganic Chemistry in Actualité Chimique - PhD award (16 January 2025)
- January FrenchBIC webinar, Tuesday January 21st, 10.30am (13 January 2025)
- Election GT-BIC de la SCF - URGENT !!! (9 January 2025)
- FrenchBIC Thesis Award 2025 / Prix Thèse FrenchBIC 2025 (6 January 2025)
- New FrenchBIC vice-president (6 January 2025)
- [Important] Elections FrenchBIC: message aux membres permanents des équipes du GIS (11 December 2024)
- FrenchBIC : Election - Last reminder ! (25 November 2024)
- Next FrenchBIC meetings - Save the date (15 November 2024)
- FrenchBIC : Election (15 November 2024)
- NEWS (9 October 2024)
- International Biometals Webinars series every first Tuesday of the month at 3:00pm (Message from Isabelle Michaud-Soret) (25 September 2024)
- Deadline extended for pre-registration at MetBio@Gre (23 April 2024)
- Fourth Biometals Webinars on April 9th (Message from Isabelle Michaud-Soret) (8 April 2024)
- [corrected] Reminder: April FrenchBIC webinar, Thursday April 4th, 10.30am (2 April 2024)
- Reminder: April FrenchBIC webinar, Thursday April 4th, 10.30am (2 April 2024)
- April FrenchBIC webinar, Thursday April 4th, 10.30am (27 March 2024)
- April FrenchBIC webinar, Thursday April 4th, 10.30am (5 March 2024)
- Message urgent concernant les élections de la SCF (28 February 2024)
- Registration is open. French-Japanese Symposium on Bioinorganic chemistry (Marseille, April 2024) (reminder) (21 February 2024)
- Upcoming FrenchBIC CNRS thematic school MetBio@Gre: pre-registration is open (16 February 2024)
- [Reminder] February FrenchBIC webinar, tomorrow @ 10.30am (8 February 2024)
- [Reminder] February FrenchBIC webinar, February 9th 10.30am (5 February 2024)
- FrenchBIC Thesis Award - deadline = 31st of January / Prix Thèse FrenchBIC (27 January 2024)
- Registration is open. French-Japanese Symposium on Bioinorganic chemistry (Marseille, April 2024) (23 January 2024)
- [Save the date] February FrenchBIC webinar, February 9th 10.30am (22 January 2024)
- The board of the French Society for Bioinorganic Chemistry expresses its deep concern about the recent French immigration law (21 January 2024)
- Biometals webinars. Message from Isabelle Michaud-Soret (12 January 2024)
- 2024's news (10 January 2024)
- Reminder: December FrenchBIC webinar, Friday 15th 10.30am (11 December 2023)
- Next FrenchBIC meeting / prochaine réunion FrenchBIC (11 December 2023)
- FrenchBIC Thesis Award / Prix Thèse FrenchBIC (23 November 2023)
- December FrenchBIC webinar, December 15th 10.30am (13 November 2023)
- Décès d'Etienne Mulliez, message d'Isabelle Michaud-Soret (13 June 2023)
- Follow FrenchBIC on twitter and mastodon (25 May 2023)
- Chimie Bioinorganique dans l’Actualité Chimique. - DERNIER RAPPEL. (23 May 2023)
- EPR summer school, message from Maylis Orio (9 May 2023)
- Jobs in bioinorganic chemistry: PhD, post-doc etc. (27 April 2023)
- Chimie Bioinorganique dans l’Actualité Chimique. - URGENT. (8 March 2023)
- Reminder: January FrenchBIC webinar, January 17th 10.30am (13 January 2023)
- New year's News (13 January 2023)
- Upcoming FrenchBIC CNRS thematic school MetBio (Physico-chemical techniques for the study of metals in bioinorganic chemistry and biology) (10 January 2023)
- January FrenchBIC webinar, January 17th 10.30am (5 January 2023)
- Change of presidency and greetings (message from Christophe Léger) (2 January 2023)
- Ecole MetBIO - 2024 - Appel à équipe organisatrice - URGENT. (14 December 2022)
- 2023 FrenchBIC meeting: please register (message from Nicolas LE POUL) (11 December 2022)
- Save the date of the 2023 FrenchBIC meeting (message from Nicolas LE POUL) (24 November 2022)
- Renouvellement du bureau du groupe thématique FrenchBIC de la SCF (8 November 2022)
- Eckhard Bill passed away (13 October 2022)
- October FrenchBIC webinar, October 19th 10.30am (11 October 2022)
- Renouvellement du bureau du groupe thématique FrenchBIC de la SCF (3 October 2022)
- October FrenchBIC webinar, October 19th 10.30am (27 September 2022)
- Journées du Groupe de Recherche "Solar Fuels" (13 September 2022)
- 3rd FrenchBIC Summer school, application deadline June 1st (23 May 2022)
- 11th Colloque Franco-Tchèque Barrande-Vltava en Chimie, message de Michel Meyer (16 May 2022)
- Journées du Groupe de Recherche "Solar Fuels" (5 May 2022)
- 3rd FrenchBIC Summer school, registration is open (26 April 2022)
- April FrenchBIC webinar, April 8th 10.30am (29 March 2022)
- Symposium in the honor of Dr Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps’ retirement - Message from Patricia Amara (14 March 2022)
- FrenchBIC supports the mobility of young researchers. Feel free to apply. (8 March 2022)
- First International Symposium on Bioorganometallic Chemistry. Message from Michèle Salmain (21 February 2022)
- January FrenchBIC webinar, January 17th 10.30am (5 January 2022)
- Message de Clotilde Policar (15 November 2021)
- November FrenchBIC webinar, November 25th 10.30am (4 November 2021)
- FrenchBIC supports the mobility of young researchers. Feel free to apply. (13 September 2021)
- SBIC elections, message from Clotilde Policar (9 September 2021)
- September FrenchBIC webinar, September 21st 10.30am (6 September 2021)
- Save the date - the first FrenchBIC webinar, June 29th 10.30 (9 June 2021)
- Réunion annuelle 2021 (rappel au sujet de la pré-inscription) (27 May 2021)
- FrenchBIC supports the mobility of young researchers. Feel free to apply. (17 May 2021)
- Réunion annuelle 2021 (7 May 2021)
- 2nd PEPPER School, online (message from Olga Iranzo) (2 March 2021)
- Open position for an assistant professor in bio-inorganic chemistry in Paris (message from Clotilde Policar) (3 February 2021)
- 2nd PEPPER School, online (message from Olga Iranzo) (20 January 2021)
- Wikipédia / chimie bioinorganique (15 January 2021)
- Journée annuelle d'histoire des sciences et épistémologie (message de Clotilde Policar) (5 January 2021)
- Décès de Doris Lexa (18 December 2020)
- Christelle Hureau is the new vice-president of FrenchBIC (16 December 2020)
- [Important] Elections FrenchBIC: message aux membres permanents des équipes du GIS (7 December 2020)
- Lancement de l'AAP 2021 Métallo-Mix (message de C. Policar) (4 December 2020)
- Bioinorganic Chemistry of Coronaviruses - PSL open webinar today (message from C. Policar and G. Gasser) (27 November 2020)
- [Rappel] Elections FrenchBIC: message aux membres permanents des équipes du GIS (23 November 2020)
- [Important] Elections FrenchBIC: message aux membres permanents des équipes du GIS (2 November 2020)
- [UPDATE] Webinar series starting October 15th with Magali Roger on "Rewiring Escherichia coli for bio-based production of C1 compound from H2 and CO2" (8 October 2020)
- Webinar series starting October 8th with Magali Roger on "Rewiring Escherichia coli for bio-based production of C1 compound from H2 and CO2" (7 October 2020)
- Inscription à l'AG 2020 du GIS FrenchBIC, mercredi 14/10/20 (7 October 2020)
- Biometals2020 transformed in web-symposium from July 6 to 10th 2020 - Message from Isabelle Michaud-Soret (28 May 2020)
- 2020 FrenchBIC Meeting: program (18 February 2020)
- 2020 FrenchBIC Meeting: last call. (10 January 2020)
- 2020 FrenchBIC Meeting: registration (6 December 2019)
- [SCF] Deadline mardi 03/12/2019: vote pour le bureau du groupe thématique FrenchBIC (2 December 2019)
- 2020 FrenchBIC Meeting: Early bird registration until December 6th 2019 (13 November 2019)
- Journées de Chimie de Coordination (message de Maylis Orio) (12 November 2019)
- [SCF] Deadline vendredi 8/11: candidatures au bureau du groupe thématique FrenchBIC (7 November 2019)
- 2020 FrenchBIC Meeting: registration is open (11 October 2019)
- [SCF] Deadline aujourd'hui: affiliez vous au nouveau groupe thématique FrenchBIC (4 October 2019)
- Elections SBIC: message de Clotilde Policar (2 October 2019)
- [Important] Membres de la SCF: affiliez vous au nouveau groupe thématique FrenchBIC (26 September 2019)
- Save the date of the 2020 FrenchBIC meeting (message from Marine DESAGE-EL MURR) (10 July 2019)
- Colloque MITI « Métallo-mix » les 3 et 4 octobre 2019 au siège du CNRS (message de Clotilde Policar) (17 June 2019)
- Des nouvelles du GIS FrenchBIC: appel d'offre, école d'été (23 April 2019)
- A meeting sponsored by FrenchBIC: the fifth Quantum BioInorganic Chemistry Conference (QBIC-V) (message from Maylis Orio) (15 April 2019)
- 2nd FrenchBIC summer school on methods to study metals in biology: applications are open. Please circulate the information. (18 March 2019)
- A meeting sponsored by FrenchBIC: the fifth Quantum BioInorganic Chemistry Conference (QBIC-V) (message from Maylis Orio) (23 January 2019)
- Poste de PU pour le Laboratoire des BioMolécules, message de Clotilde Policar (14 January 2019)
- Appel d'offre CNRS "biomimétisme" (18 December 2018)
- Des nouvelles du GIS FrenchBIC: compte rendu, annonces, photos, appel d'offre (14 November 2018)
- Dernière semaine pour s'inscrire à la réunion annuelle du FrenchBIC. (10 September 2018)
- Rappel: Prochaine réunion annuelle du FrenchBIC: merci de vous inscrire sans tarder (29 August 2018)
- Prochaine réunion annuelle du FrenchBIC: merci de vous inscrire rapidement (16 July 2018)
- Prochaine réunion annuelle du FrenchBIC (26 June 2018)
- 2018 Workshop on Redox Films for Energy Conversion : message from Christophe Léger (7 June 2018)
- CuBICS 2018 : Extended deadline for registration and abstract submission (now the 9th of March) ! (message from Jalila Simaan) (27 February 2018)
- ICCC2018 : message from Elodie Anxolabéhère (26 February 2018)
- 2018 (19 February 2018)
- Congrès SCF18 - Plus que 13 jours pour soumettre une communication (message de Gilberte Chambaud) (2 February 2018)
- PEPPER School: message from Olga IRANZO (24 January 2018)
- FrenchBIC News (14 December 2017)
- CuBICS Registration is open --- message de Jalila Simaan (30 November 2017)
- Journées de Chimie de Coordination, Brest, 8-9 février 2018 : message d'Yves Le Mest (24 November 2017)
- ICCC2018 : message d'Elodie Anxolabéhère (11 October 2017)
- Back to school (7 September 2017)
- Assemblée générale (25 June 2017)
- The pictures of the annual meeting + important remark (12 June 2017)
- second international workshop on “Redox Films for Energy Conversion – bioelectrochemical and molecular systems” (message de Christophe Léger) (22 May 2017)
- Photos de Dominique Mandon (18 May 2017)
- Réunion annuelle FrenchBIC - date limite des inscriptions repoussée au 10 mai. (4 May 2017)
- Réunion annuelle FrenchBIC - deadline : 30/04/17 (25 April 2017)
- Ecole MRM - deadline : 20/04/17 - message de Valérie Belle et Carole Duboc (19 April 2017)
- IMBG International Meeting dedicated to Metallic nanoparticles: April 15th deadline for oral communications (message d'Isabelle Michaud-Soret) (13 April 2017)
- J-4: demandez votre inscription à la 1ere école FrenchBIC sur les métaux en biology (27 March 2017)
- 1st FrenchBIC school on metals in biology: apply by March the 31st if you wish to attend (28 February 2017)
- Rappel: FrenchBIC offre des inscriptions pour le congrès ISABC à Toulouse (deadline le 28/02) (20 February 2017)
- FrenchBIC offers free registrations to the ISABC meeting in Toulouse (27 January 2017)
- Quelques secondes *supplémentaires* d'attention (20 January 2017)
- Quelques secondes d'attention (20 January 2017)
- 2017 (17 January 2017)
- FrenchBIC (17 November 2016)
- FrenchBIC (rectificatif) (12 September 2016)
- FrenchBIC (12 September 2016)
- Décès de Dominique Mandon. (13 July 2016)
- ICCC: Sortie en mer FrenchBIC (Rappel) (Message d'Yves Lemest) (5 July 2016)
- ICCC: Inscriptions pour la sortie en mer FrenchBIC (Rappel) (15 June 2016)
- Deux workshops dans le domaine de la chimie bioinorganique en Septembre à Marseille (14 June 2016)
- ICCC: Inscriptions pour la sortie en mer FrenchBIC (30 May 2016)
- Vote express 72h: dates du congrès FrenchBIC/ISABC 2017 (29 May 2016)
- Appel d'offre à destination des jeunes de nos équipes (23 March 2016)
- Les photos de Murol et le compte rendu de l'AG (16 March 2016)
- 2016 (7 January 2016)
- ICCC: message d'Yves Lemest (16 December 2015)
- Finalisez votre inscription / Please confirm your subscription (14 December 2015)
- Réunion 2016 du GIS FrenchBIC : inscriptions jusqu'au 16/01, message de Christelle Hureau (14 December 2015)
- La deadline approche: inscriptions jusqu'au 30/11 pour la réunion 2016 du FrenchBIC (23 November 2015)
- Réunion 2016 du GIS FrenchBIC : inscriptions ouvertes jusqu'au 30/11/15 (29 October 2015)
- Message urgent, réponse attendue: école thématique frenchBIC à l'automne 2016? (26 October 2015)
- Message d'Eva Jakab Toth. Medicinal Flavor of Metal Complexes: diagnostic and therapeutic applications in Orléans, 7-9th Dec. 2015. (13 October 2015)
- Colloque «Biomimétisme et chimie durable», message de Vincent Artero (22 September 2015)
- Réunion 2017 du GIS FrenchBIC : votez avant le 15/09/2015 (Rappel) (31 August 2015)
- Réunion 2017 du GIS FrenchBIC : votez avant le 15/09/2015 (5 August 2015)
- Des nouvelles du FrenchBIC (27 July 2015)
- Appel d'offre CEFIPRA (Message de Marius Réglier) (23 June 2015)
- Des nouvelles du FrenchBIC (3 June 2015)
- Réunion du GIS FrenchBIC: save the date! (et autres annonces) (28 April 2015)
- Message de S. Ollagnier de Choudens et V. Artero, et autres annonces récentes (31 March 2015)
- Société Chimique de France: messages d'Olivia Reinaud et Stanislas Pommeret (23 March 2015)
- Le nouveau (18 March 2015)