2nd FrenchBIC summer school on methods for studying metals in biology: from October 6th to 11th, 2019

In Carry le Rouet and Marseille.


Cette école, qui se déroulera en anglais, permettra à quarante jeunes chercheurs/chercheuses (du doctorat aux premières années après le recrutement chercheur·e/ingénieur·e) de se former grâce à des cours et des travaux pratiques aux méthodes d’études des métaux en biologie. Le petit nombre de participant·e·s permettra d’organiser des TPs en groupes de 5, et de favoriser les interactions avec les enseignant·e·s. Les inscriptions seront bon marché pour favoriser la participation des plus jeunes. Les personnes employées par le CNRS peuvent obtenir de la formation permanente la prise en charge complète de leurs frais. Pour participer à cette école, la première étape consiste à remplir le formulaire ci dessous. Le comité d’organisation sélectionnera les participant·e·s qui devront ensuite s’inscrire.

This summer school will provide training for young researchers, young assistant professors, engineers and technicians, PhD students and post doctoral researchers. 40 people will attend. This number is small, in order to favour the interactions between the participants and the teachers (who will be staying for the entire duration of the school), and to run practical sessions in 8 groups of 5 participants. The techniques that are most useful for studying metals in biology will introduced, including traditional methods (EPR, electrochemistry, Mössbauer, NMR, fast kinetics etc.) and a presentation of modern methods (X fluorescence imaging, mass spectrometry, nanoSIMS, AFM), which allow us to study metals in their complex biological environments.

The generosity of our sponsors has allowed us to decrease the registration fees to 250€ (this includes accommodation, all meals and transportation between Carry le Rouet and Marseille). You are entitled free registration and travel if you are paid by CNRS (irrespective of whether you are permanent researcher, technical staff, PhD student or postdoctoral researcher).

To attend, the first step consists in applying using the form below. The organization committee will then select the successful candidates and let them know. In a second step, the selected participants will have to register and pay for this, unless their fees are covered by the CNRS.


Registration: 250€ including everything: accommodation, all meals, transport to/from Marseille; free for a limited number of CNRS employees (1st come/1st served).

Arrival: Sunday 6th, late afternoon, 1st lecture in the evening. Departure: Friday 11th after breakfast.

Lectures (two days), in Carry le Rouet:

Four practicals (half a day each), in Marseille:

Poster session and flash presentations.

Time table