[Expired] Three PhD/postdoc positions in Marseille, on electrochemical studies of hydrogenases and CO-dehydrogenases

Our group investigates the function and maturation of various metalloenzymes: molybdenum enzymes, hydrogenases and CO-dehydrogenases. These enzymes are studied in various contexts ranging from fundamental catalysis to the design of biofuel cells. We are interested in all steps in their catalytic mechanisms: long distance electron transfer, active site chemistry, reaction with inhibitors such as O2, interaction with light. We seek to understand the molecular basis of some of the global properties of redox enzymes, including catalytic bias, substrate specificity and resistance to chemical stress. We have also developed new methodologies that make it possible to use electrochemistry for studying certain steps in the catalytic mechanism that may be difficult to probe using conventional techniques (such as mass transport along substrate channels). More information about our work can be found on our web site: http://www.bip06.fr

The PhD student and/or postdoc will use direct electrochemistry and other kinetic methods to study various aspects of the reactivity of FeFe hydrogenases and CO-dehydrogenases produced in our lab.

  • Two projects focus on the molecular aspects of catalysis, using an interdisciplinary collaboration with biochemists/molecular biologists, spectroscopists and theoretical chemists. One project is a PhD on hydrogenase (see here), the other is a post-doctoral position on CO-dehydrogenase.
  • A third project is about the design of a new kind of electrochemical cells for the study of metalloenzymes, in collaboration with a group of experts in fluid dynamics.

The candidates will have a background in physical chemistry, engineering or biochemistry. They will be interested in the pluridisciplinary approach that we develop.

The positions are funded by AMU (A*MIDEX Foundation) and ANR.

To apply, please send to christophe.leger@imm.cnrs.fr and vincent.fourmond@imm.cnrs.fr a CV and the contact details of two former advisors.