1st FrenchBIC summer school: from september 17th to 21st, 2017

  La première école “Méthodes d’études des métaux en biologie, de la molécule à la cellule” aura lieu du 17 au 21 septembre à Carry le Rouet et Marseille.
  The 1st FrenchBIC summer school on “methods for studying metals in biology” will take place from September 17th to 21st in Carry le Rouet and Marseille.

See the pictures, and the results of the oral presentation prizes.


 Cette école permettra à une quarantaine de jeunes chercheurs/chercheuses (du doctorat aux premières années après le recrutement chercheur·e/ingénieur·e) de se former grâce à des cours et des travaux pratiques aux méthodes d’études des métaux en biologie. Le petit nombre de participant·e·s permettra d’organiser des TPs en petits groupes et de favoriser les interactions avec les enseignant·e·s. Les inscriptions seront bon marché pour favoriser la participation des plus jeunes. Les personnes employées par le CNRS peuvent obtenir de la formation permanente la prise en charge complète de leurs frais. Pour participer à cette école, la première étape consiste à remplir le formulaire ci dessous. Le comité d’organisation sélectionnera les participant·e·s qui devront ensuite s’inscrire.

  This summer school will provide training for young researchers, young assistant professors, engineers and technicians, PhD students and post doctoral researchers. About 45 people will attend. This number is small, in order to favour the interactions between the participants and the teachers (who will be staying for the entire duration of the school), and to run practical sessions in small groups of students. The techniques that are most useful for studying metals in biology will introduced, including traditional methods (EPR, electrochemistry, Mössbauer, NMR, RMN, fast kinetics) and a presentation of modern methods (X fluorescence imaging, mass spectrometry, nanoSIMS, AFM), which allow us to study metals in their complex biological environments.

The generosity of our sponsors has allowed us to decrease the registration fees to 150€ (this includes accommodation, meals and transportation between Carry le Rouet and Marseille). Further reduction applies if you are a member of the Société Française de Chimie.  You are entitled free registration and travel if you are paid by CNRS (irrespective of whether you are permanent researcher, technical staff, PhD student or postdoctoral researcher).

To attend, the first step consists in applying using the form below. The organization committee will then select the successful candidates and let them know. In a second step, the selected participants will have to register and pay for this, unless their fees are covered by the CNRS.

Location and travel

Accommodation will be provided in the holiday-resort “Vacanciel” in Carry-le-Rouet. Carry le Rouet is a seaside resort located 30 kilometres (19 mi) west of Marseille. The lectures will also be given in Carry le Rouet. The participants will be transported by bus to Marseille for the practicals.

Arrival on Sunday the 17th. On the first day, the lectures will start at 6pm.

  • Plan 1h30 between the time you land in and the time you reach Marseille St Charles train station. A bus connects the airport and the train station. See the time tables. Buy your ticket online and print it.
  • Trains will connect Marseille St Charles train station and Carry le Rouet on the 1st day of the course, starting from Marseille at 12.26pm (arrival Carry at 12.56) and 4.26pm (arrival Carry at 4.56pm). Buy your ticket online.
  • The participants will be fetched from the train station of Carry le Rouet at 1pm and 5pm. We suggest you arrive early and enjoy an afternoon on the beach.

Departure on Thursday the 21st.

  • After lunch, a bus will depart from Carry le Rouet at about 1.30pm, to reach Marseille Gare Saint Charles at 2.30pm.
Program and slides

Seven lectures (two hours each)
Four practicals (half a day each)

(*) The organization committee will try to follow the applicants’ requests.

Further reading
  • EPR
  • NMR
    • “NMR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Metalloproteins”, Ivano Bertini et al, ChemBioChem, 6 1536, (2005) DOI: 10.1002/cbic.200500124
    • “An Introduction to Biological NMR Spectroscopy”, Dominique Marion, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 12, 3006, (2013) doi: 10.1074/mcp.O113.030239 (open access)
  • Electrochemistry
    • “Protein Electrochemistry: Questions and Answers” V. Fourmond and C. Leger, Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol. (2016) doi: 10.1007/10_2015_5016
    • “Direct electrochemistry of redox enzymes as a tool for mechanistic studies”C. Leger and P. Bertrand. , Chem. Rev. 108, 2379 (2008) doi:10.1021/cr0680742 (open access)
  • Mössbauer
  • DFT
    • “A critical evaluation of DFT, including time-dependent DFT, applied to bioinorganic chemistry,” F Neese, J Biol Inorg Chem (2006) 11:702–711 DOI 10.1007/s00775-006-0138-1
    • “Prediction of molecular properties and molecular spectroscopy with density functional theory: From fundamental theory to exchange-coupling,” Frank Neese Coord. Chem. Rev. (2008)
      doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2008.05.014
    • “Dealing with complexity in open-shell transition metal chemistry from a theoretical perspective,” F Neese et al, Th. & Comput. Inorg. Chem. (2010) Elsevier Inc. VOLUME 62 ISSN 0898-8838 / doi: 10.1016/S0898-8838(10)62008-9
    • High-Level Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry, and Catalysis: Not just a Passing Fad Frank Neese Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2017) 56, 11003 – 11010 doi: 10.1002/anie.201701163
  • X-ray crystallography