[Expired] Online workshop. Message from the CeLL: biophysical studies for structural biology inside cells
June 24 & 25th, 2021
Dear all,
On the behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to announce the workshop “Message from the CeLL: biophysical studies for structural biology inside cells”, which will be held in June 24 and 25, 2021 and it will be virtual.
The workshop will focus on in-cell spectroscopies (EPR, NMR and Fluorescence) for studying biomolecules and their interactions in native environment, the cell. The goal is to gather researchers involved in this field, to highlight recent advances, as well as to show the challenges the approach still poses.
The participation to the congress is free but registration is mandatory.
To register you need to send an email to .
Deadline for registration and for submitting an abstract for oral and poster communication is Avril 30th 2021.
If you need further information, do not hesitate in contacting me.
Best whishes,
Elisabetta Mileo