FrenchBic annual meeting / French-Japanese Symposium on BioInorganic chemistry
23rd to 26th of April 2024 in Marseille
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce that the French-Japanese Symposium on BioInorganic chemistry Symposium will be held from 23 to 26 April 2024 in Marseille (France). The registration is free for members of the French and Japanese academic laboratories.
- Fédération de Chimie AMU
- Institut Microbiologie, Bioénergies et Biotechnologie – IM2B
- Société Chimique de France – Division chimie de coordination.
- OrigaLys
- Merck
- GDR Biomim
- Porphychem
- Infranalytics
- RCS Dalton
- RCS Chem. Sc.
- Centrale Méditerranée
Getting there:
from the Airport, there are direct shuttles every 15 minutes from the airport to Marseille Saint Charles train station.
from Marseille Saint Charlestrain station, there are metro lines and buses. Map of the RTM transport facilities here.
The conference location (Pharo palace) is easily accessible from the Vieux Port (ca. 20 minutes walk). You can also take a bus at the “vieux Port” station (N° 81, 82 or 83). You then have to enter the Pharo Public Garden.
Plenary lectures
Marc Fontecave (Coll. de France Paris)
Takashi Hayashi (Osaka Univ.)
Ally Aukauloo (Paris-Saclay)
Koichiro Ishimori (Hokkaido Univ.)
Clotilde Policar (ENS Paris)
Mitsuhiko Shionoya (Tokyo Univ.)
Petra Hellwig (Strasbourg Univ.)
Kazuya Kikuchi (Osaka Univ.)
Stéphane Ménage (Grenoble Alpes Univ.)
Masahito Kodera (Doshisha Univ.)
Keynote lectures
Celia Bonnet (CBM Orléans)
Hiroaki Kitagishi (Doshisha Univ.)
Yasmina Mekmouche (Aix Marseille Univ.)
Christelle Hureau (LCC Toulouse)
Yvain Nicolet (Grenoble Alpes Univ.)
Izumi Yanatori (Kyoto Univ.)
Wadih Ghattas (Paris-Saclay Univ.)
Yoshitsugu Morita (Osaka Met. Univ.)
Pierre Dorlet (Aix Marseille Univ. )
Vincent Lebrun (Strasbourg Univ.)
Tue 23/04
9h00-9h45 : welcoming the participants with a coffee
9h45-10h00 : Introduction, presentation of the FrenchBic
10h00-10h15 : Anna Aldino-Colbachini.
Development of an electrochemical cell to arbitrary control concentrations in a stepwise fashion in Protein Film Electrochemistry.
10h15-10h30 : Alexandre Ciaccafava
Laccase hybrids for investigating electron transfer
10h30-10h45 : Marcello Gennari
Switching ON/OFF the reactivity of thiolate-supported iron(II) complexes with dioxygen
10h45-11h00 : Rébecca Leblay
LPMO-inspired catalysts to oxidize recalcitrant biomass polysaccharides.
11h00-11h15 : Jérémie Ruel
Structural insight into the substrate recognition by the radical SAM oxygenase DarE in darobactin biosynthesis
11h15-11h30 : Leandro Tabares
Using the Noncanonical Metallo-Amino Acid [Cu(II)(2,2′-bipyridin-5-yl)]-alanine as Spin-Label to Study the Structures of Proteins
11h30-11h45 : Juneina Omeiri
Maturation of the [FeFe]-Hydrogenase :Direct Transfer of Complex B from HydG to HydE
11h45-12h00 : Catherine Berthomieux
Determinants of Plutonium(IV) affinity for the EF-hand calcium-binding site
12h00-14h00 : Lunch at the « Victor Café »
14h00-14h15 : Bruno Aliès
Nucleolipids against Alzheimer’s disease
14h15-14h30 : Sébastien Blanchard
NMR insights into the supramolecular interaction between the polyoxoanion [SiW11O39]8- and amyloid peptides
14h30-14h45 : Axelle Comby
Molecular probes to identify protein-lanthanides interactions
14h45-15h00 : Miquel Huix-Rotlant
Coherent photolysis of carbon monoxide in myoglobin: a quantum dynamics prediction observed by time-resolved serial crystallography
15h00-15h15 : Elise Naudin
Improving the kinetic inertia of the copper-ATCUN complex for 64Cu Positron Emission Tomography applications
15h15-15h30 : Michael Papadakis
Stereochemical tailoring of nickel-based electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
15h30-15h45 : Gaspard Toulis
In vitro chemical Fe-S reconstitution experiments in glycine/cysteine-rich proteins from Megavirinae giant viruses
15h45-16h00 : Afridi Zamader (FrenchBic thesis price)
Novel bioinspired and biohybrid electrode materials for hydrogen production
16h00-16h30 : coffee break
16h30-16h45 : Marcel Annereau
Syntheses, structures, CO release properties and biological studies of new neutral Mn(I) tricarbonyl complexes
16h45-17h00 : Alejandro Blanco-Meijas
Understanding the Anticancer Properties of Cu(II) Complexes based on Phen-Histidine ligands
17h00-17h15 : Umberto Contaldo
CueOs multi copper oxidases involved in bacterial copper homeostasis with distinct catalytic properties
17h15-17h30 : Anabella Ivancich
De novo heme catalysts: synthetic alpha-helical coiled-coils with unprecedented Heme&Trp redox cofactors for bioinspired catalysis
17h30-17h45 : Marie Poisson
Dihydrogen bioinspired photoproduction
18h00-19h30 : AG FrenchBic
Wed 24/04
09h00-09h15 : Anna Baiduk
Light-dictated Switch of Cu(I) -O2 Species Reactivity
09h15-09h30 : Gabriel Canard
Perfluoro-alkyl corroles and their metal complexes: synthesis, derivatizations and applications in electro-catalysis
09h30-09h45 : Laura Opdam
09h45-10h00 : Ronan Kapetanovic
The Brass Dagger: How macrophages deploy Zinc and Copper as an antibacterial weapon?
10h00-10h15 : Giuliano Sciara
Beyond the coupled distortion model: structural analysis of the single domain, green mononuclear cupredoxin AcoP
10h15-10h30 : Andrea Fasano (FrenchBic thesis price)
Electrochemical investigations of the biodiversity of [FeFe] and [NiFe]-Hydrogenases
10.30-11.00: Coffee
11h00-11h15 : Thimothée Lathion
Functionalized Near-Infrared Emitting LnIII/GaIII Metallacrowns with Red-Shifted Excitation
11h15-11h30 : Catherine Belle
Bio-inspired copper complexes: from homogeneous to heterogeneous catalysis
11h30-11h45 : Clémence Cheignon
Photosensitized lanthanide nanoprobes for immunoassay detection
11h45-12h00 : Ling Peng
Self-assembling supramolecular dendrimers for biomedical imaging
12h00-12h20 : Flash comm
12h20-14h00 : Lunch
14h00-14h10 : Introduction of the French-Japanese symposium
14h10-14h50. Mitsuhiko Shionoya
Nucleic Acid Chemistry Based on Metal-Mediated Base Pairing
14h50-15h10 : Yvain Nicolet
FeFe-hydrogenase active site assembly: the case of the radical SAM maturase HydE
15h10-15h30 : Mio Kondo
Development of Artificial Catalytic Systems Inspired by Natural Photosynthesis
15h30-16h10 : Marc Fontecave.
Sulfur metabolism: more and more iron-sulfur enzymes
16h10-16h40 : coffee break
16h40-17h10 : Clotilde Policar.
Inorganic chemical biology: imaging metal-complexes in cells
17h10-17h30 : Hitomi Sawai
Iron as a nutrient: the molecular and cellular mechanisms of dietary iron absorption in humans
17h30-17h50 : Christelle Hureau.
Cu & Zn binding to full-length and truncated Aβ peptides: impact on ROS formation, peptides self-assembly and counteracting strategy.
Thu 25/04
09h00-09h40 : Stéphane Ménage.
In cristallo catalysis by artificial metalloenzymes : our recent advances for cascade reactions
09h40-10h00 : Yasmina Mekmouche.
Tuning Heterogeneous Chemoenzymatic Hybrids Conformation Toward Optimized Aerobic Oxidation
10h00-10h40 : Kazuya Kikuchi.
Elastic Polymer Coated Nanoparticles with Fast Clearance for 19F MR Imaging
10h40-11h10 : coffee break
11h10-11h50 : Masahito Kodera
Cancer-cell-selective cytotoxicity and DNA double-strand breaks by dicopper complexes
11h50-12h10 : Vincent Lebrun
A new scaffold to design artificial metalloenzymes for heterogeneous catalysis
12h10-12h30 : Yoshitsugu Morita
Copper-protein biohybrid catalysts with chemically modified pyridyl group near the active site for enantioselective reactions
12h30-14h00 : lunch
14h00-14h40 : Ally Aukauloo.
Metallo Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines as Modules for Artificial Photosynthesis
14h40-15h00 : Célia Bonnet
Titre en attente
15h00-15h20 : Izumi Yanatori.
Newly uncovered intercellular communication pathway mediated by ferritin
15h30-16h10 : Koichiro Ishimori.
Unique Heme Binding and Its Functional Significance in Iron Regulatory Proteins
16h10-19h00 : posters and snacks
Fri 26/04
09h00-09h40 : Takashi Hayashi
Artificial Metalloenzymes Using Myoglobins Containing Synthetic Metal Cofactors
09h40-10h00 : Wadih Ghattas.
An artificial metalloprotein with metal-adaptive coordination sites for O2 activation or CO2 insertion
10h00-10h40 : Petra Hellwig.
The diverse reaction mechanism of terminal oxidases, insights from electrochemical, UV-Vis, infrared and Raman studies
10h40-11h00 : coffee break
11h30-11h50 : Hiroaki Kitagishi.
A Fire Gas Antidote System Comprising Synthetic Heme Protein Model Complexes That Works In Vivo
10h00-10h20 : Pierre Dorlet
News about bacterial copper resistance
11h50-12h30 : closure of the symposium, poster and OP prizes
12h30-14h00 : lunch
Registrations are closed.
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- [Project supported by FrenchBIC] The selectivity and catalytic activities of site-specific pyrene-modified laccase on carbon nanotube electrodes
- Oral and poster presentation prizes awarded during the 2024 FrenchBIC Meeting
- 2024 FrenchBIC Meeting – picture gallery