2025 FrenchBIC Annual Meeting

from Monday 19 May (late afternoon) to Thursday 22 May at noon at the vvf centre in Amboise

Photo Joël KLINGER

Dear Colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce that the next FrenchBIC meeting will be held in Amboise from the 19th to 22nd of May 2025.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The organizing committee

Organizing Committee
  • Célia Bonnet
  • Sara Lacerda
  • Svetlana Eliseeva
  • Josef Hamacek
  • Eva Jakab-Tóth
  • Stéphane Petoud
Plenary speakers
  • Catherine Berthomieu, CEA Cadarache
  • Maryline Beyler, Université de Brest
  • Aurélien Deniaud, CEA Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Nicolas Delsuc, CNRS, ENS, Université Paris Sorbonne
Detailed program
Monday, 19th May 14h-18h Registration
18h-18h50 PL1
19h-20h30 Dinner
Tuesday, 20th May 9h-9h50 PL2
9h50-10h10 O1
10h10-10h30 O2
10h30-10h50 O3
10h50-11h30 Coffee Break
11h30-11h50 O4
11h50-12h10 O5
12h10-12h30 O6
12h30-14h Lunch
14h-14h20 O7
14h20-14h40 O8
14h40-15h00 O9
15h00-15h20 O10
15h20-15h40 O11
15h40-16h10 Coffee Break
16h10-16h30 O12
16h30-16h50 O13
16h50-17h10 O14
17h10-17h30 O15
17h30-19h30 Poster Session
19h30-21h Dinner
21h-22h30 General Assembly
Wednesday, 21st May 9h-9h50 PL3
9h50-10h10 O16
10h10-10h30 O17
10h30-10h50 O18
10h50-11h30 Coffee Break
11h30-11h50 O19
11h50-12h10 O20
12h10-12h30 O21
12h30-14h Lunch
14h-17h30 Free time
17h30-19h30 Poster Session
19h30-21h Dinner
Thursday, 22nd May 9h-9h50 PL4
9h50-10h10 O22
10h10-10h30 O23
10h30-11h Coffee Break
11h00-11h20 O24
11h20-11h40 O25
11h40-12h O26
12h00-12h15 Closing Ceremony
12h30-14h Lunch


vvf centre in Amboise: https://www.vvf.fr/villages-vacances/vacances-a-amboise-vvf-villages.html.


Registrations are now open until the 12th of March!

Rates: Students (shared accommodation) : €270 excluding VAT (€297 with VAT) / Permanent staff (shared accommodation: 2 single rooms with shared bathroom): €320 excluding VAT (€352 with VAT). Permanent staff (accommodation with single room and private bathroom; limited to 6 rooms): €400 excluding VAT (€440 with VAT).

To register click on the following link:
In French: https://dr08.azur-colloque.fr/inscription/fr/234/preinscription
In English: https://dr08.azur-colloque.fr/inscription/en/234/preinscription

Please note that, CNRS people must pay by “bon de commande”.

Send your abstract before the 12th of March to

Please indicate in your email if you want :
An oral presentation only
An oral presentation or a poster
A poster only

Template for oral presentation
Template for poster