[Expired] Online ARPE summer school on Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance

The French EPR network, ARPE, is organizing a remote summer school on Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance, from basic to advanced concepts and techniques from the 14th to the 19th of June 2021.

We are pleased to announce the next EPR summer school organized by the French EPR network (ARPE) which will be held in June 2021 from the 14th to the 18th. This online event will approach EPR sepctroscopy from basic to advanced concepts and techniques.
All lectures and tutorials will be given during 5 online sessions over a week mid-June 2021. A poster session and a series of flash presentations are included in the school program. For more information and registration, please check our website and note that the registration deadline is set for the 4th of June 2021.
Looking foward to seeing you on this occasion.

The ARPE’s organizing committee

Web: http://www.a-rpe.fr/spip.php?rubrique140#outil_sommaire_2
