[Expired] FCCat 2019 — French Conference on Catalysis
![[Expired] FCCat 2019 — French Conference on Catalysis](https://i0.wp.com/frenchbic.cnrs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/unnamed-7.png?fit=380%2C143)
du 3 au 7 juin 2019 à Fréjus
Catalysis plays a pivotal role to tackle the future major challenges regarding energy, environment and chemistry.
In 2019, GECAT (Groupe d’Etude en Catalyse), Catalysis (DivCat), Industrial Chemistry (DCI), Organic Chemistry (DCO) and Coordination Chemistry (DCC) Divisions of the French Chemical Society (SCF) and GFZ (Groupe Français des Zéolithes) are glad to invite you to take part to FCCat, the French Conference on Catalysis.
Following the heritage of Sabatier and Chauvin, two French Nobel Prizes in Catalysis, this event will be the occasion for the French and the International Catalysis community to share most advanced results in a friendly spirit.
Contributions dealing with homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, from upstream research on catalyst mechanism understanding to catalytic process design, will be welcome from academia and industry participants. Part of the program will be devoted to presentations from Industry and discussions with young chemists.
We look forward to welcoming you at FCCat from 3rd to 7th June 2019 at “Centre Azureva” in Frejus (France).
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
H. Olivier-Bourbigou and A. Bonduelle
circulaire 2-fccat