[Expired] Postdoctoral Research Associate position on “DeNovoCatalysts”
International collaboration France-USA) to start in January 2024.
DeNovoCatalysts, an international collaborative Project (Dr Anabella Ivancich UMR 7281, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France and Prof. Vincent L. Pecoraro Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) funded by A*MIDEX, aims to develop self-assembling and water-soluble artificial mini-proteins with bioinspired heme&Trp redox cofactors for targeted catalysis, and resulting in novel versatile catalysts with enhanced reactivity for medical and/or environmental applications. Such mini-catalysts are inspired on natural metalloproteins that we also study in parallel, in which their reactivity is expanded by the concerted chemistry of transition metals and protein-based radicals, mong-range intramoleculr electron transfer and allosteric effects. We are looking for a highly motivated protein chemist, with a PhD in Chemistry or Physics and a strong background in magnetic and optical spectroscopies, excellent communication skills and being eager to work collaboratively in our multidisciplinary research project (Bioinorganic Chemistry, Biophysics, molecular/cell Biology), to undertake a PDRA position of 18 months (renewable based on common agreement). Applications (including a detailed CV and two letter(s) of recommendation) should be sent by email to Dr Anabella Ivancich (aivancich@imm.cnrs.fr) before November 26th (noon). Inquires can be also addressed to A. Ivancich.