[Expired] A post-doctoral position in structural biology is available at the ChemSyBio team (Paris-Saclay University, INRAE, Micalis) headed by Dr Olivier Berteau

The project involves structure determination of novel metalloenzymes by X-ray crystallography, with a focus on enzymes catalyzing peptides (RiPPs) post-translational modifications. Our goal is to decipher the mechanism and mode of interactions between these enzymes and their substrate.

We are seeking for a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow with a proven experience in X-ray crystallography. The candidate should have a PhD in structural biology and a good knowledge of crystallography software. He/She should have an experience in protein expression, purification, crystallization and the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary environment. Skills in molecular biology and physico-chemical techniques would be an asset.

Recent publications from our team include: Balty et al., 2020 JBC; Balty C et al. 2019 JBC; 294(40):14512-14525; Parent A. et al. 2018 J Am Chem Soc. ; 140(7):2469-2477.; Benjdia A et al. 2017 Nature Chemistry ; 9(7):698-707;  Parent A. et al. 2016 J Am Chem Soc.; 138(48):15515-15518;  Benjdia A. et al.2016 Chem Commun.; 52(37):6249-52; Benjdia A. et al. 2015 Nat Commun; 6:8377.

Access to state-of-the-art research facilities will be provided. Our laboratory (Micalis institute) is part of Paris-Saclay University and located near Paris. The position is offered for one-year, renewable up to 3 years. The salary will be commensurate with experience.

Applications (including CV, description of your research activity indicating your relevant skills and reference letters) should be sent to Dr Alhosna Benjdia (alhosna.benjdia@inrae.fr) and Dr Olivier Berteau (olivier.berteau@inrae.fr).