[Expired] 3-year PhD position available at the University of Strasbourg: Investigation and inhibition of the metalloenzyme GcpE, a target for the development of new antibacterials. Posted in Expired job offers Tagged with Strasbourg Posted on 22 May 2019 Web: http://institut-chimie.unistra.fr/equipes-de-recherche/cbat-chimie-biologique-et-applications-therapeutiques/ Related Posts:Post doc position: design of a Bioinspired 64/67Cu Ligand for theranostic applicationsX-ray absorption based approach to trap and accumulate a low populated and transient reaction intermediate of the Cu(II) reduction to Cu(I) in…Oral and poster presentation prizes awarded during the 2021 FrenchBIC MeetingL’équipe OMECA (Objets, Métaux et Catalyse) de l’Université de Strasbourg rejoint le GISPrintMastodonBluesky