[Expired] Thèse au Laboratoire de Chimie et Biologie des Métaux (LCBM)
Development of new eco-aware photocatalysts for tandem oxygenation reactions.
Laboratoire de Chimie et Biologie des Métaux (LCBM)
Site Web: http://www-dsv.cea.fr/dsv/instituts/institut-de-recherches-en-technologies-et-sciences-pour-le-vivant-irtsv/unites/chimie-et-biologie-des-metaux-cbm/equipe-catalyse-bioinorganique-et-environnement
Context: The need to develop a more respectful environmental chemistry has become a priority. The challenge is the development of catalytic systems capable of using abundant, inexpensive and non-toxic sources of reagents, with also the obligation to release non-polluting and non-toxic by-products. Recently we have developed two photocatalysts constituted by the association of a chromophore and a catalyst within the same entity for the oxygenation of organic substrates using water as the sole source of oxygen. However, these systems require the use of a sacrificial electron donor generating by-products and a waste of the released electrons. In this project, we aim to use some iron or copper monooxygenases (natural or artificial) to add-value the released electrons by performing the oxidation of some organic substrates using molecular oxygen as a source of oxygen atom. It is thus envisaged to associate covalently (or not) one of the reported photocatalysts (see Inorg Chem 2011 and 2012) to one of these enzyme systems in order to carry out the oxidation of various organic substrates by simultaneously using dioxygen and water as the only sources of oxygen.
This is a phD position funded by the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique (CEA) as an irtelis programm. To apply, please, go to the web site http://www-dsv.cea.fr/en/phd-progra…
Profile: Candidates should have a solid training in both organic and inorganic syntheses, as well as in spectroscopic and electrochemistry methods
Contact: Hamelin Olivier, (33) 438789108