[Expired] Post-doctoral Positions in Bioinorganic Chemistry in Toulouse
Post-doctoral Positions in Bioinorganic Chemistry Available on : Impact of copper on amyloid-beta aggregation and ROS production linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Lab : Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination and PharmaDev, Toulouse (France)
Web : http://www.lcc-toulouse.fr/lcc/spip.php?article30
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination and PharmaDev, Toulouse (France),
starting from spring 2015 for 1 year
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral position in bioinorganic and medicinal chemistry. The position is in the framework of the cooperative project about “oxidation of the amyloid-bet peptide and implication in the etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease” between the group of Fabrice Collin (PharmaDev, Toulouse) and Christelle Hureau / Peter Faller (LCC Toulouse) funded by the French national agency ANR.
Project :
A defining feature in Alzheimer’s Disease is the post-mortem observation of senile plaques, mainly composed of the amyloid-beta peptide (Ab), along with metal ions (Cu, Fe, Zn). Aggregation of Ab is a critical step in the development of AD and intermediates seem to mediate oxidative stress via the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Moreover, copper can both catalyze efficiently the generation of ROS and also influence the aggregation of Ab. Thus, the complexes Ab/Cu might be the cross point of ROS production and Ab aggregation linked to Ab-induced toxicity in AD. By a multidisciplinary approach at the frontiers of chemistry, biology and living systems, the project aims at studying the relation between copper-induced aggregation Ab and their consequences on ROS production.
Relevant and recent references from our group :
- Cassagnes, L.-E., Hervé, V., Nepveu, P., Hureau, C., Faller, P., Collin, F. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 11110 (2013)
- Collin, F., Sasaki, Eury, H., Faller, P. & Hureau, C. Chem. Comm. 49, 2130-2 (2013)
- Faller, P., Hureau, C., La Penna G. Acc. Chem. Res., 47, 2252-9 (2014)
- Chassaing, S, Collin, F, Dorlet, P., Gout, J., Hureau, C. & Faller, P. Curr. Top. Med. Chem. 12, 2573 (2012)
- Faller, P., Hureau, C., Dorlet P., Hellwig, P., Coppel, Y., Collin F., Alies, B. Coord. Chem. Rev. 256, 2381 (2012)
The candidates should preferentially have a background in chemistry or biochemistry, preferentially in bioinorganic chemistry and should have a strong interest in interdisciplinary research (chemistry, spectroscopy, biology). Experience in research on amyloidogenic peptides
The candidates should contact Peter Faller and Christelle Hureau (+33 5 61 33 31 62) with copy to Fabrice Collin, (+33 5 62 25 98 11).
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