[Expired] Position in biophysical chemistry at Leiden University

Biophysical chemistry studies biochemical systems with the methods and concepts of physics and physical chemistry. This discipline bridges the two profile areas of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), chemical biology and energy & sustainability. With this position we aim to reach new molecular-level insights into the mechanisms of energy transduction in biological systems with the tools of, for instance, optical and NMR spectroscopy, electrochemistry, single-molecule physics, and computational chemistry. Areas of interest to the LIC include the role of proton-coupled electron transfer and enzyme redox catalysis in photosynthetic and respiratory processes, as well as in carbon-based metabolic pathways, such as C1 metabolism, CO2 fixation, and the (reverse) Krebs cycle. The LIC environment offers excellent opportunities for strong interactions with groups specialized in advanced spectroscopy including NMR, redox protein chemistry, electrochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, coordination chemistry, and computational chemistry. Furthering our understanding of energy transduction in biochemical pathways is expected to provide inspiration for tackling the chemical challenges associated with the societal energy transition.

The LIC aims to hire a biophysical chemist with a view to reinforce the energy & sustainability cluster of the institute, and to link to the chemical biology cluster. The researcher is expected to develop an independent research line and to integrate into the local, national and international research landscape. A collaborative mind-set is important to further enhance innovative chemical biology and sustainable chemistry within the LIC.

The Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) is located in a brand new building and has all the chemistry facilities required for modern biophysical chemistry, including a facility for high-field NMR spectroscopy for solid and solution state samples (single-molecule) optical and force spectroscopy as well as modern and excellently equipped labs for surface (spectro-)electrochemistry and organometallic/coordination chemistry. Excellent protein production and purification facilities are available. The Faculty also houses the Fine Mechanical Service for the design of specialized equipment, and has close ties to the Leidse Instrumentmakers School.

The LIC is responsible for the bachelor programmes “Molecular Science & Technology” and “Life Science & Technology” (jointly with the Delft University of Technology), and for the master programmes “Chemistry” and “Life Science & Technology”. The candidate is expected to develop and teach (advanced) courses on (bio-)physical chemistry, catalysis, spectroscopy and (bio-)chemical energy transduction.
