[Expired] Postdoc position at PNNL

Dear Colleague,

I am planning to hire a postdoc for a new project, and I ask for your help in encouraging applicants to apply for this openings.  The position is as a member of a joint experimental/theoretical team focusing on incorporating well-understood molecular catalysts, developed in the BES Catalysis and the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis-EFRC programs here at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, into well-defined protein scaffolds, i.e. small structurally characterized proteins.

The candidate will use air-sensitive techniques to synthesize the catalysts, and protein expression and purification techniques to develop hybrid systems.  A variety of techniques, including electrochemistry, NMR, FTIR, XAFS, CD, x-ray crystallography and GC will be used to characterize the structures of the catalyst-protein hybrid systems, as well as catalyst activity.

The work will be carried out in collaboration with Dr. Wendy Shaw and Dr. Simone Raugei in the BES Physical Biosciences program at PNNL and in synergy with the experimental and theoretical work (led by Dr. Aaron Appel) of the homogeneous catalysis group at PNNL as well as the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis at PNNL (led by Dr. Morris Bullock, http://efrc.pnl.gov/)

To post the curriculum vitae for consideration, please go to www.jobs.pnl.gov and locate the appropriate Job ID: 305881

Thanks very much for your help.


Molly O’Hagan

Phone (509) 371-6741


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

P.O. Box 999; K2-57

Richland, WA 99352
