[Expired] PhD (University of St Andrews). EPR characterisation of artificial oxidation enzymes and homogeneous oxidation catalysts

This collaborative project between the lab of Bela Bode (St Andrews) and Amanda Jarvis (in the group of Paul Kamer, St Andrews) aims to push EPR methods to aid the development of artificial oxidation enzymes.

The project is available within the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis (www.criticat.org).

Application deadline is 6th January 2016.

Synopsis: Oxidation reactions are an important part of the synthetic organic chemist’s toolkit. Of particular interest to the Kamer group is the C-H oxidation of alkanes. Inspired by Nature’s enzymes we are developing artificial oxidation enzymes that will enable us to combine unnatural ligand systems with the structural scaffolds of proteins to obtain highly selective catalysis. However, paramagnetic catalysts and intermediates can prove elusive to a number of characterisation approaches. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic techniques for obtaining direct information on the geometry and electronic structure of these targets have emerged as extremely valuable. This project will develop methodology to scrutinise paramagnetic catalysts and artificial metalloenzymes for homogeneous oxidations. In addition to obtaining geometric information and electronic structures, a correlation between catalytic activity and EPR parameters might be invaluable for catalyst optimisation.

Keywords: Artificial oxidation enzymes, C-H oxidation, paramagnetic catalysts and intermediates, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy


Interested candidates can send informal enquiries to Bela Bode (beb2@st-andrews.ac.uk)