Request a grant
Vous pouvez ici faire une demande de cofinancement pour la réalisation de projets scientifiques. Les demandes seront faites au fil de l’eau et évaluées rapidement par le directoire. Le montant accordé sera exceptionnellement supérieur à 500€. Il s’agira prioritairement de cofinancer des déplacements de jeunes chercheurs (doctorants, post-doctorants, chercheurs permanents juniors) pour la réalisation d’expériences impliquant au moins une équipe du GIS, sur une thématique du GIS. Un court rapport non confidentiel sera envoyé au GIS à l’issue de la mission et publié sur ce site. Le GIS frenchBIC sera impérativement remercié dans les publications (s’il y en a) qui auront bénéficié de ce financement.
Here you can request a grant to help the realisation of a scientific project. The goal is to facilitate the work of young researchers (PhD, post-doc, junior scientitst) and the collaborations between the various FrenchBIC research groups, or between one FrenchBIC research group and one group outside FrenchBIC, on a project related to the activities of the FrenchBIC network. There is no dead-line, the board of FrenchBIC will examine and approve each proposal ASAP. You can request up to 500€. You agree to send a non-confidential, short report that will be published on this site when the mission is over. FrenchBIC must be acknowledged on any publication that may result from the work that is co-funded by FrenchBIC.
Projects that have been funded:
- Raul Balderrama : Exploring of the therapeutical properties of novel phenanthroline based ligands (ISM2, Marseille, and LCC, Toulouse) 2019.
Publication : “Unexpected Trends in Copper Removal from Aβ Peptide: When Less Ligand Is Better and Zn Helps”, Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, doi : 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03407 - Lisa ZUILY: Regulation of Zn-binding molecular chaperones by Cu, molecular insights? (BIP, Marseille and CEA Grenoble) 2019.
Publication : “Copper Induces Protein Aggregation, a Toxic Process Compensated by Molecular Chaperones”, mBio, 2022 10.1128/mbio.03251-21 - Fangfang Yang: Targeted Supported Laccase-based Hybrid Systems for Continuous Flow Catalysis (ISM2, Marseille, and CRPP, Bordeaux) 2019
- Nikolaos Kostopoulos: Cryo-spectroelectroc
hemical UV-Vis study of the electrochemical activation of O2 with Fe porphyrins (LEM, Paris, and CEMCA, Brest) 2020 - Lama Shamseddine: The Characterization of the Biological activity of the RumCs Peptides (LCBM – Biocat, Grenoble and Dr. Mickael LAFOND – ISM2 Marseille) 2022
- Andrea Fasano: The catalytic cycles of reversible and irreversible FeFe hydrogenases (BIP, Marseille — MPI Mulheim, Germany) 2022.
Publication: “Kinetic modeling of the reversible or irreversible electrochemical responses of FeFe-hydrogenases”, J. Am. Chem. Soc (2024) doi: 10.1021/jacs.3c10693 - Jean Bouvet, “From low molecular weight complexes to artificial proteins Superoxide Dismutase mimics” (Laboratoire des BioMolécules Paris, et University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States) 2022.
- Lucian Staicu, “The quest for the arsenic and selenium reductase(s) of Shewanella sp. O23S” (Department of Bacterial Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, with the BIP, Marseille) 2022.
- Rébecca Leblay, “Études mécanistiques de complexes à cuivre bioinspirés par la LPMO” (Christelle Hureau, Emilie Mathieu, LCC, Toulouse, Jalila Simaan, BiosCiences, iSm2, Marseille) 2023.
Publication: LPMO-like activity of bioinspired copper complexes: from model substrate to extended polysaccharides, ChemCatChem (2023) 10.1002/cctc.202300933 - Alvaro Lopez-Sanchez, “Tumor targeting of Pt(IV) conjugates of oxaliplatin and MnSOD mimics: towards anticancer agents with reduced neurotoxicity” (Laboratoire des Biomolécules, équipe métaux en biologie et homéostasie redox, Laboratoires partenaires : Prof. Giorgia Pastorin, département de pharmacie, National University of Singapore NUS et Prof. Giulia Adriani, SIgN, A*STAR Singpore) 2023.
- Yongxing Wang, “spectroelectrochemical characterization of mononuclear copper complexes as LPMO mimics” (Laboratoires partenaires: iSm2 BiosCiences, Marseille, CEMCA Brest) 2023.
- Mathilde Brachet, “Nucleolipids against Alzheimer’s disease” (Bordeaux, Strasbourg), 2023
- Yunfei Dang, “Laccase catalytic activity monitored by EPR spectroelectrochemistry” (Londres, Marseille), 2024
- Irene Cassandrini, “Thiolate-supported Fe-Nitrogen adducts relevant to the nitrogenase FeMo-co” (Grenoble, Darmstadt), 2024.
- Mahdi Saad, “Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide by polypyridine copper complexes” (Grenoble, Brest) 2024.