Dear Colleagues,
Dr. Marcello Gennari and I are co-organizing a Session Proposal on "Breaking and forming O-O bonds using earth abundant transition metal complexes” for the ICCC2018 Conference, that will take place in Sendai (Japan) July 30th to August 4th 2018. Pr. Timothy Jackson and Pr. Miquel Costas are co-organizers of the session with me, as well as two Japanese colleagues, Pr. Yutaka Hitomi and Pr. Hiroshi Fujii.
The session will be held for 2 mornings.
Abstract submission is now open. Dead line is February 1st.
We encourage you to submit your abstract to our session (S31) and hope that you will be able to join the Conference next August in Japan.
Please share this announcement with your networks.
Elodie Anxolabéhère
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