[Expired] 20ème congrès du Groupe Français de Bioénergétique

Du 26 au 29 Septembre 2019, Grenoble


The French Bioenergetics Group (Groupe Français de Bioénergétique, GFB) is pleased to announce its next conference, September 26th-29th 2019, next to Grenoble (http://gfbioenergetique.free.fr/). For the 20th edition, we are proposing a great program with leading scientists who will cover the latest advances in the broad field of bioenergetics.

Registration will open as soon as possible (~400 € for seniors and ~250 € for students, all inclusive). As usual, the program will offer numerous slots for selected talks and the GFB scientific committee will offer grants to cover the participation of approximately 10 students.

Save the dates in your calendar to join us at the 20th GFB conference in the Vercors natural park and present your last results, exchange with colleagues, or simply discover the field of bioenergetics.

Don’t hesitate to forward this email to any person who may be interested in the conference.

See you soon

The scientific committee

PS: We also inform you of a thematic school “Biology at different scales” that will take place in June 2019. Beware that registration will close shortly.
